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- Documentation
Navigating through the regulations for the correct documents can be very time consuming, but costly to get wrong. The accurate completion and official authentication of Export documentation is vital if the shipment is to make the delivery deadline.
Chambers of Commerce in the UK act as Issuing Bodies authorised by the Department of Business, Innovations and Skills (BIS) for the issue of all EC Certificates of Origin and by HM Customs (HMRC) for EUR1 and ATR certificates. These documents are often required to ensure a smooth passage through receiving Customs.
Chambers are a trusted source for many trade related documents so asking before shipping is good practice.
As well as obtaining professional support and guidance, Chamber members can take advantage of discounted rates on Export documentation of all types.
As your local Chamber of Commerce we can issue the following important documents:
EC Certificates of Origin
A certificate of Origin is needed to meet importing country regulations, commercial reasons such as the goods will be re-exported and sometimes for financial reasons where a certificate is requested in a letter of credit.
Arab-British Certificates of Origin
Similar to the above but used to Export to the Arab League States.
Customs Movement Certificates issues in the country of Export to enable claims for preferential import duty levels on goods being exported to EC preferential partner countries.
Customs Movement certificate for goods in EC free circulation (i.e. duty paid) being Exported to Turkey without payment of customs duty.
We also provide an on-line document processing service which allows exporters to electronically apply and receive EC Certificates of Origin, EUR1s and ATRs. Business benefits of using the online services include: Speed, Service, Simplicity and Accuracy.
To register at no cost please visit www.e-zcert.com
Need further information? Have a look at our Export FAQs