Q: Where can I find information on entering export markets, legislation, regulation and government schemes?

A: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-international-trade

Q: Where can I find information on customs notices, preferential trade agreements and other customs related issues?

A: https://www.gov.uk/browse/business/imports-exports

Q: Where can I find information on Tariff Codes and starting exporting for the first time

A: https://www.gov.uk/finding-commodity-codes

Q: Where can I apply for electronic export documentation?

A: www.e-zcert.co.uk

Q: How do I complete an EUR1?

A: Look at our guidance note

Q: How do I complete a Certificate of Origin?

A: Look at our guidance note

Q: How do I complete an ATR?

A: Look at our guidance note

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