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A new single business brokerage service will improve support on offer for businesses.
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Hear from Emma, Julie and Meena, Gary, Wayne and Chris talking about how they've secured investment in their businesses through the expertise of local projects part-funded through European funding.
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Starting now until November, Velocity Growth Hub has brought together local business owners and trainers in a programme of new, fully-funded business skills workshops that combine local business knowledge and expert training to give you the best client experience.
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• Over half of UK businesses did not attempt to access finance in the last year
• One-in-two businesses that did seek finance did so because of cash flow
• Investment intentions are focused on incremental investments
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Business owners generally seek advice because they’re struggling in an area of business or they have a specific issue that’s holding them back. Good business advice can really make a business especially if support is sought early enough to help businesses get on, and stay on, the right track.
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With Brexit negotiations and warnings on the impact on growth hitting the headlines regularly, we’d be forgiven in thinking business is in stalemate in deciding on whether or not to invest in growth.
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There’s huge variety in what businesses need to do to stay successful. Luckily, there’s a lot of information and business support out there to help. So what are the key elements of success that business owners and directors need to focus on?
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Whether you have a business idea, are starting or scaling up your business for rapid growth, equity investment can be a viable source of funding.
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As part of our business support offer, we continue to run the Autumn / winter ERDF business growth workshops.
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Hybrid Air Vehicles, the Cardington based designer and manufacturer of Airlander, the largest aircraft in the world, has reached a staggering £900,000 equity raise since opening up a crowdfunding round on Crowdcube, UK’s leading equity crowdfunding platform.
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2016 will be a momentous year for the future of aviation with the innovative Airlander 10 taking to the British skies for the first time; our pioneering team of experts continues to make ground-breaking progress on a daily basis – most recently attaching the Mission Module to the iconic hull.
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Access to finance is still a barrier to exporting for UK firms, a report by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has found. In its annual International Trade Survey, the BCC found that 60% of potential exporters cite general access to finance as a key factor in their plans to export goods or services.
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Are you a manufacturing or engineering company based in the LU postcode? If so, would you be interested in a fully funded student working with you with no financial outlay?
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The recent growth of jobs in the UK is a great success story. However, in order for this growth to be sustained and to translate into real tangible benefits for business and the economy, there needs to be a real investment in training and skills.
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A £50,000 Velocity grant has prompted a £1million investment in pioneering new technologies, propelling a Bedford electronics firm to the forefront of its industry.
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The University of Bedfordshire, Careers & Employability Service now have a dedicated placements team in recognition of the fact that work placements offer an unrivalled learning experience for students and an opportunity for employers to establish a tried and tested talent pipeline of the most ambitious undergraduates.
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Delivery and courier business National Sameday in Luton has hired four new employees and safeguarded the jobs of two others thanks to a grant awarded by Velocity Business Support.
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The South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership, SEMLEP, has today been awarded a Local Growth Deal of £64.4 million investment into the area – set to create over 4,200 new jobs and more than 3,800 new homes by 2020.
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Business Secretary Vince Cable is visiting automotive specialist Millbrook in Bedford today (10 April) as it is announced the company will take a share of £6 million awarded to East of England projects from the Government’s Regional Growth Fund (RGF).
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The Government’s Regional Growth Fund will invest £300 million in 50 projects across the country to create tens of thousands of jobs and fuel business expansion, the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg announced today.
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Businesses can encourage staff to travel more sustainably to work thanks to business grants available from Central Bedfordshire’s Travel Choices.