- Supporting your Business to Export
- How to Complete an ATR
ATR Certificates – withdrawn from use
The UK has signed a trade agreement with Turkey which means that ATR 1 certificates previously used to claim preferential trade when importing from or exporting to Turkey are no longer issued.
Entitlement to preference is now based on a declaration on origin that the product is originating made out by the exporter. This can be in electronic format.
Declaration on origin
The declaration on origin must use the following wording:
The exporter of the products covered by this document (customs authorisation No …?(1)) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of …?(2)?preferential origin.
(Place and date)
(Signature of the exporter, in addition the name of the person signing the declaration has to be indicated in clear script)
1. When the origin declaration is made out by an exporter located in the UK, the EORI number must be entered in this space.
2. Origin of products to be indicated
When exporting to Turkey you must include your EORI-number in any declaration you issue to your Turkish customer, regardless of the value.
The declaration on origin must be provided on an invoice, or any other commercial document (excluding a Bill of Lading), describing the originating product in sufficient detail to enable its identification.
Declarations on origin will be valid for 24 months from the date it was made out for imports into the UK or 12 months for imports into Turkey.
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