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These Bedfordshire Businesses Won Big on Election Day!

Written by Bedfordshire Chamber of Commerce | 19 Jul 2024

Both country and county were on tenterhooks on 4th July – the country for the election result, and the county for the outcome of the SME Bedfordshire Business Awards 2024!

And what an outcome it was. Proud winners in 23 different categories, and a night to remember - not just for its drinks reception, fine dining, and high-end entertainment, but for its turnout (the highest yet) and its serious networking opportunities.

And the overall winner was…

Amongst the many hundreds of entries received, the overall winner was iCandy, a Bedfordshire business specialising in the design and manufacture of innovative pushchairs and prams.

The company was also the Gold Winner of the Ryan Business Innovation category, and Silver Winner of Central Bedfordshire Business of the Year.

Vice CEO Cameron Appel said of the awards: “The experience was truly exceptional, and it was inspiring to be surrounded by so many innovative and dedicated businesses. Being recognised as one of Bedfordshire's best businesses in 2024 motivates us to continue pushing boundaries and delivering excellence in everything we do."  


Category Gold Winners – the full list

But over 20 other businesses and individuals shone on the night, too, as Gold Winners and Silver Winners, across many categories.

This shows just how Bedfordshire, for a small county, punches above its weight in business excellence.

Take a look at the table below – you might come across a potential new customer, partner, or supplier. 

Gold Winner

Win category

Taylor Walton Solicitors

Liebherr Apprentice Employer of the Year

Food etc

Bedford Borough Council Bedford Business of the Year

i3 Simulations

Wenta Best Enterprising Business

Verso Recruitment Group

Wrest Park Enterprise Best New Business

Osborne Morris and Morgan

Treacle Factory Business of the Year less than 50 Employees

Neville Trust

AEGIS Business of the Year more than 50 Employees

Michelle Cook - Reactiv8 The Nation

Foxley Kingham Chartered Accountants Business Person of the Year


Talk UK Telecom Community Business of the Year

Home Instead Bedford

Jaltek Employer of the Year

Will Brown - Will Brown Hair & Open Chair

Unisnacks Entrepreneur of the Year

Kent Brushes

Bedfordshire Chamber of Commerce Exporter of the Year

Copybox Document Systems

Family Business of the Year

Kings Fire

London Luton Airport High Growth Business of the Year

Be Seen Screen

Influencer of the Year

The Fruit and Veg Man

Luton Business of the Year

Kings Arms Project

AEGIS Not-for-Profit Business of the Year

Be Our Guest Princesses

Jaltek Positive Impact Award

Jodie Gearing Bespoke Jewellery Design

Unisnacks Retail Business of the Year

Love Hounds Dog Grooming- Bedford

RSP UK Service Excellence

Sommers Waste Solutions

Wenta Action Zero Sustainability Award

Darius Moghtadaii – THSP

Barnfield College Young Business Person of the Year

The Silver Winners can also be seen here.

Heartfelt thanks all round

Of course, whilst the awards are (rightly) all about the winners, we’re immensely grateful to the sponsors whose support made the entire awards programme and ceremony possible.

These include Headline Sponsor Unisnacks, Platinum Sponsors Aegis Support Services, Jaltek, and Wenta, Gold Sponsors Barnfield College, Bartham Group, Bedford Borough Council, Foxley Kingham, Liebherr GB, London Luton Airport, RSP UK, Ryan, Talk UK Telecom, and Wrest Park Enterprise, plus Media Sponsor MK Pulse/Business Times, and Print Sponsor Treacle Factory.

When’s your  time to shine?

With these awards, we wanted to give local businesses a chance to shine, and they’ve achieved exactly that – with public acclaim and media coverage aplenty.

So, will you be entering next year?

For more information, visit or call our awards team on 01908 542720

Topics: SME Awards 2024, SME Bedfordshire Business Awards 2024

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