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Lockheed Martin UK’s 2024 Carbon Reduction Plan

Written by Bedfordshire Chamber of Commerce | 14 Jun 2024

Lockheed Martin UK’s 2024 Carbon Reduction Plan has a number of initiatives that will enable it to reach its goal of zero carbon emissions emitted through its UK operations by 2050.

The organisation’s facility at Ampthill in Bedfordshire is leading the way for its UK business by implementing green initiatives, including sending zero waste to landfills - instead all waste is either recycled or sent to a waste-to-energy incineration plant.

This week, the company is celebrating The Great Big Green Week, the UK’s celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. 

As part of the company’s 2023 UK carbon reduction activities, it reduced its carbon dioxide equivalent emissions covered by its Carbon Reduction Plan by 62%, compared to its baseline set in 2019

Lockheed Martin is committed to obtaining its electricity from 100% green energy sources, where possible, and as a result its Ampthill and Havant facilities are both on 100% green energy electricity contracts. 

Steve Wallace, Head of Production Operations at Lockheed Martin UK Ampthill, and Carbon Net Zero Lead for Lockheed Martin UK said: “I’m delighted at the great progress we’re making across our UK operations to meet our 2050 goal. We’re committed to protecting the environment we operate in - we take our responsibility towards this really seriously.”

The Lockheed Martin UK 2024 Carbon Reduction Plan can be downloaded here.

Topics: Lockheed Martin

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