Employers across the UK suspected of providing false or misleading information to The Pensions Regulator about how they are meeting their automatic enrolment duties, will now be targeted with short notice inspections.
The latest round of spot checks, due to start later this month, will also target employers who are still non-compliant with their automatic enrolment duties despite penalty action. The inspections will be carried out across the country including Essex, Kent, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.
TPR’s Director of Automatic Enrolment, Darren Ryder, said: “It is an offence for employers to provide TPR with false information on their declaration of compliance, but there are tell-tale signs indicating an employer might not be telling the truth. We can also detect employers who are failing to meet their automatic enrolment duties despite being issued with a penalty and we will take action if we suspect either of these is the case.
The short notice inspections are to detect non-compliance and also to gain insight into employer behaviour. Insight from these spot checks will be included in The Pension Regulator’s annual Automatic Enrolment Commentary and Analysis report to be published this summer.
Make sure you know what you need to do to meet your ongoing duties and that your records are up to date.
TPR has online information and guidance about ongoing duties to help you understand what needs to be done.